Happy Kartini Days

Fueled by Knowledge
Powered by Ideas

Within these dynamic ecosystems of solutions, together with our various partners, business cells collaborate to provide the best solutions for you, our distinguished customer and partner.


Mengenal Enterprise Architecture: Pengertian, Manfaat, Framework, dan Contohnya

Group of Knowledge

At the onset of 2024, Proxsis & Co encompasses 19 top-tier and 23 second-tier corporations, overseen by our business-driven leaders. The driving force behind Proxsis & Co is a robust entrepreneurial spirit.

Other than consultancy and training, we also provide business process outsourcing

Provides complete solutions for technology implementation in your organizations.

Specializes in Health, Safety, Security, Environment, & Energy (HSSEE) & Sustainability.

Corporate Innovation provides solutions for corporations across the nation to accelerate their internal innovation initiatives.

Focuses in creating and providing a business support ecosystem for the many businesses within and beyond our company

Knowledge Based Solutions Ecosystems

At Proxsis & Co. We pride ourselves in delivering knowledge-based solutions that are the output of our dynamic collaborative ecosystems.

Knowledge Based Solutions Ecosystems

At Proxsis & Co. We pride ourselves in delivering knowledge-based solutions that are the output of our dynamic collaborative ecosystems.

Knowledge Based Solutions Ecosystems

At Proxsis & Co. We pride ourselves in delivering knowledge-based solutions that are the output of our dynamic collaborative ecosystems.

Growth Together with Costumer

At the onset of 2024, Proxsis & Co encompasses 19 top-tier and 23 second-tier corporations, overseen by our business-driven leaders.
The driving force behind Proxsis & Co is a robust entrepreneurial spirit.

At the onset of 2024, Proxsis & Co encompasses 19 top-tier and 23 second-tier corporations, overseen by our business-driven leaders. The driving force behind Proxsis & Co is a robust entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Bank Indonesia Proxsis
    Manajemen Keberlangsungan Tugas Bank Indonesia (MKT BI)

    Situasi disruptif merupakan risiko bagi semua jenis organisasi, terutama bagi Bank Indonesia (BI), bank sentral Indonesia. Bersama dengan Proxsis, BI mengembangkan dan berhasil menerapkan sebuah Rencana Menejemen Keberlangsungan Tugas (atau biasa di sebut sebagai Business Continuity Management Plan).

    Dimulai dengan pengembangan sistem, lalu pengukuran kematangan praktik mereka melalui identifikasi proses bisnis kritikal di dalam sistem moneter dan sistem pembavaran mereka. Kemudian analisis Business Impact dan asesmen terhadap disruptive risk di lakukan yang hasilnya digunakan untuk menyusun Business Continuity Strategy (BCS), Resource Requirement Map, dan penyusunan Business Continuity Plan keseluruhan vang berisi prosedur-prosedur kontiniensi.

  • Bank DKI dan Bank Sumsel Babel
    Bank DKI dan Bank Sumsel Babel Proxsis

    Customer Stories

    Rencana Strategi Bisnis Bank DKI & Bank Sumsel Babel

    Strategi adalah dasar dari perkembangan bagi sebuah bisnis. Proxsis mendukung penyusunan Rencana Strategis (renstra) untuk bisnis Bank DKI, Bank Pembangunan Daerah Khusus Ibu kota Jakarta dan juga untuk Bank Sumsel Babel, Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatra Selatan dan Bangka Belitung.

  • Bank Indonesia Proxsis
    Manajemen Keberlangsungan Tugas Bank Indonesia (MKT BI)

    Situasi disruptif merupakan risiko bagi semua jenis organisasi, terutama bagi Bank Indonesia (BI), bank sentral Indonesia. Bersama dengan Proxsis, BI mengembangkan dan berhasil menerapkan sebuah Rencana Menejemen Keberlangsungan Tugas (atau biasa di sebut sebagai Business Continuity Management Plan).

    Dimulai dengan pengembangan sistem, lalu pengukuran kematangan praktik mereka melalui identifikasi proses bisnis kritikal di dalam sistem moneter dan sistem pembavaran mereka. Kemudian analisis Business Impact dan asesmen terhadap disruptive risk di lakukan yang hasilnya digunakan untuk menyusun Business Continuity Strategy (BCS), Resource Requirement Map, dan penyusunan Business Continuity Plan keseluruhan vang berisi prosedur-prosedur kontiniensi.

  • Bank DKI dan Bank Sumsel Babel
    Bank DKI dan Bank Sumsel Babel Proxsis

    Customer Stories

    Rencana Strategi Bisnis Bank DKI & Bank Sumsel Babel

    Strategi adalah dasar dari perkembangan bagi sebuah bisnis. Proxsis mendukung penyusunan Rencana Strategis (renstra) untuk bisnis Bank DKI, Bank Pembangunan Daerah Khusus Ibu kota Jakarta dan juga untuk Bank Sumsel Babel, Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatra Selatan dan Bangka Belitung.

Proxsis Group is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace.
We value talented individuals and believe everyone should have the opportunity to succeed at Proxsis Group. We prohibit discrimination against any qualified job applicant or employee based on factors

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Data Attribution

© 2006-2023 PT. Proxsis Solusi Bisnis | Indonesia

Proxsis Group is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace.
We value talented individuals and believe everyone should have the opportunity to succeed at Proxsis Group. We prohibit discrimination against any qualified job applicant or employee based on factors

Terms of Use

Privacy Notice

Data Attribution

© 2006-2023 PT. Proxsis Solusi Bisnis | Indonesia

Proxsis Group is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace.
We value talented individuals and believe everyone should have the opportunity to succeed at Proxsis Group. We prohibit discrimination against any qualified job applicant or employee based on factors

Terms of Use

Privacy Notice

Data Attribution

© 2006-2023 PT. Proxsis Solusi Bisnis | Indonesia