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Agencies & Studios



Jobs & Jury






Sites of the Day

Sites of the Month










Agencies & Studios



Jobs & Jury






Sites of the Day

Sites of the Month










Agencies & Studios



Jobs & Jury



Data Governance

Mastering Your Most Valuable Asset
In The Digital Age

The digital revolution has ushered in an era of unprecedented data abundance. However, managing this vast resource effectively presents a significant challenge. Big data, data security concerns, real-time data demands, and the need for agile data management strategies are just some of the complexities organizations face today. Furthermore, national and international regulations add another layer of responsibility.

The Key to Effective Data Management

Data Governance is the comprehensive approach to managing your organization's data. It encompasses the creation and implementation of a set of rules and practices that ensure the:

Organizational Structure for Data Management

We guide you through every step of the ISO certification process, from initial planning and gap analysis to successful implementation and ongoing maintenance.

Data Architecture and Implementation Principles

Establish a blueprint for how your data is organized, stored, accessed, and used.

Mapping of Data Entities and Models

Define the different types of data you collect and how they relate to one another.

Implementation Strategies for Data Governance Programs

Develop a clear roadmap for implementing and sustaining effective data governance practices.

Why Data Governance Matters?

By establishing a robust Data Governance framework, you unlock a multitude of benefits:

Enhanced Management Support
Enhanced Management Support
Consistent, Reliable Data
Consistent, Reliable Data
Clearly Defined Data Management Processes
Clearly Defined Data Management Processes
Cost Reduction
Cost Reduction
Improved Efficiency
Improved Efficiency
Enhanced Data Quality
Enhanced Data Quality
Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory Compliance

A Necessity Across Industries

Data Governance is crucial for organizations in a wide range of sectors:


As regulatory bodies, government agencies need robust data governance to ensure data accuracy and compliance.

As regulatory bodies, government agencies need robust data governance to ensure data accuracy and compliance.

As regulatory bodies, government agencies need robust data governance to ensure data accuracy and compliance.

As regulatory bodies, government agencies need robust data governance to ensure data accuracy and compliance.


These sectors are subject to strict regulations, often requiring compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which necessitates strong data governance practices.

These sectors are subject to strict regulations, often requiring compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which necessitates strong data governance practices.

These sectors are subject to strict regulations, often requiring compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which necessitates strong data governance practices.

These sectors are subject to strict regulations, often requiring compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which necessitates strong data governance practices.


Protecting patient data is paramount in healthcare. Data governance ensures patient data privacy and security.

Protecting patient data is paramount in healthcare. Data governance ensures patient data privacy and security.

Protecting patient data is paramount in healthcare. Data governance ensures patient data privacy and security.

Protecting patient data is paramount in healthcare. Data governance ensures patient data privacy and security.


The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2016 necessitates robust data governance practices in the telecommunications industry.

The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2016 necessitates robust data governance practices in the telecommunications industry.

The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2016 necessitates robust data governance practices in the telecommunications industry.

The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2016 necessitates robust data governance practices in the telecommunications industry.


The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 36 of 2014 emphasizes the importance of data governance in the logistics sector.

The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 36 of 2014 emphasizes the importance of data governance in the logistics sector.

The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 36 of 2014 emphasizes the importance of data governance in the logistics sector.

The Indonesian Ministerial Regulation No. 36 of 2014 emphasizes the importance of data governance in the logistics sector.

Organizations with ISO 27001 Certification
Organizations with ISO 27001 Certification
Organizations with ISO 27001 Certification

Maintaining ISO 27001 certification requires a strong data governance framework to ensure information security.

Maintaining ISO 27001 certification requires a strong data governance framework to ensure information security.

Maintaining ISO 27001 certification requires a strong data governance framework to ensure information security.

Maintaining ISO 27001 certification requires a strong data governance framework to ensure information security.

Proxsis Digital

Your Data Governance Partner

In today's data-driven world, effective Data Governance is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Proxsis Digital can be your trusted partner on your data governance journey. We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to help you:

Develop and implement a data governance framework tailored to your specific needs.
Develop and implement a data governance framework tailored to your specific needs.
Develop and implement a data governance framework tailored to your specific needs.
Develop and implement a data governance framework tailored to your specific needs.
Improve data quality and consistency.
Improve data quality and consistency.
Improve data quality and consistency.
Improve data quality and consistency.
Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
Leverage data as a strategic asset to achieve your business goals.
Leverage data as a strategic asset to achieve your business goals.
Leverage data as a strategic asset to achieve your business goals.
Leverage data as a strategic asset to achieve your business goals.

Embrace Data Governance and unlock the full potential of your data. Contact Proxsis Digital today!

Embrace Data Governance and unlock the full potential of your data. Contact Proxsis Digital today!

IT Masterplan

Charting Your Course to IT Success:

The Power of The IT Masterplan

What is an IT Master Plan?

An IT Masterplan is a comprehensive, long term blueprint that outlines your organization's IT strategy. It goes beyond short-term solutions, ensuring your IT resources hardware, software, and human resources are strategically aligned to support your business goals.
An IT Masterplan is a comprehensive, long term blueprint that outlines your organization's IT strategy. It goes beyond short-term solutions, ensuring your IT resources hardware, software, and human resources are strategically aligned to support your business goals.

The IT Master Plan serves a multitude of purposes:


It fosters synergy between your business objectives, IT resources, and personnel, ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals.

Maximized Investments

It prioritizes IT investments based on their potential to enhance the effectiveness and return on value of your IT resources.

Increased Productivity

By aligning IT with your business goals, the IT Masterplan empowers your organization to operate more efficiently and achieve objectives faster.

Risk Mitigation

A well-defined plan helps identify and mitigate potential risks associated with IT implementation, ensuring a smooth transition.

Enhanced Stakeholder Confidence

A robust IT Masterplan demonstrates your commitment to leveraging technology effectively, fostering trust with customers, partners, and investors.

Superior Customer Service

By optimizing IT processes, the IT Masterplan can empower you to deliver exceptional customer service experiences.

Who Needs an IT Master Plan?

An IT Masterplan is a valuable tool for any organization that recognizes the strategic importance of information technology. However, specific regulations mandate its implementation for certain sectors:

Government Organizations
Government Organizations
Government Organizations

Ministries, regional governments, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and their subsidiaries are required by regulation (PER-02/MBU/02/2018) to have an IT Masterplan as part of their IT Governance strategy.

Ministries, regional governments, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and their subsidiaries are required by regulation (PER-02/MBU/02/2018) to have an IT Masterplan as part of their IT Governance strategy.

Ministries, regional governments, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and their subsidiaries are required by regulation (PER-02/MBU/02/2018) to have an IT Masterplan as part of their IT Governance strategy.

Ministries, regional governments, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and their subsidiaries are required by regulation (PER-02/MBU/02/2018) to have an IT Masterplan as part of their IT Governance strategy.

Banking Industry
Banking Industry
Banking Industry

According to Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 38/POJK.o3/2016, banks must have an IT Strategic Plan (synonymous with an IT Masterplan) that aligns with their overall business strategy.

According to Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 38/POJK.o3/2016, banks must have an IT Strategic Plan (synonymous with an IT Masterplan) that aligns with their overall business strategy.

According to Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 38/POJK.o3/2016, banks must have an IT Strategic Plan (synonymous with an IT Masterplan) that aligns with their overall business strategy.

According to Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 38/POJK.o3/2016, banks must have an IT Strategic Plan (synonymous with an IT Masterplan) that aligns with their overall business strategy.

Proxsis Digital

Your IT Master Plan Partner

Developing and implementing a comprehensive IT Masterplan can be a complex undertaking. Proxsis Digital can be your trusted partner throughout this process. We offer a comprehensive suite of services to help you:

Conduct a thorough business needs assessment.
Conduct a thorough business needs assessment.
Conduct a thorough business needs assessment.
Conduct a thorough business needs assessment.
Develop a customized IT Master Plan aligned with your strategic goals.
Develop a customized IT Master Plan aligned with your strategic goals.
Develop a customized IT Master Plan aligned with your strategic goals.
Develop a customized IT Master Plan aligned with your strategic goals.
Identify and prioritize IT investments.
Identify and prioritize IT investments.
Identify and prioritize IT investments.
Identify and prioritize IT investments.
Develop a roadmap for IT implementation.
Develop a roadmap for IT implementation.
Develop a roadmap for IT implementation.
Develop a roadmap for IT implementation.
Ensure effective change management.
Ensure effective change management.
Ensure effective change management.
Ensure effective change management.

Embrace the power of the IT Master Plan and unlock the full potential of IT in your organization. Contact Proxsis Digital today!

Embrace the power of the IT Master Plan and unlock the full potential of IT in your organization. Contact Proxsis Digital today!


Understanding ISMS and PIMS

Navigating the Data Protection Landscape

In today's digital age, vast amounts of personal and sensitive data are constantly collected, processed, and stored. Data protection has become a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes. Two key frameworks ISMS (Information Security Management System) and PIMS (Privacy Information Management System) provide comprehensive approaches to managing and protecting sensitive information.
In today's digital age, vast amounts of personal and sensitive data are constantly collected, processed, and stored. Data protection has become a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes. Two key frameworks ISMS (Information Security Management System) and PIMS (Privacy Information Management System) provide comprehensive approaches to managing and protecting sensitive information.

Understanding the Similarities:

Data Protection at the Core

Both ISMS and PIMS prioritize data protection, safeguarding information assets from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Risk Management is Key

Both frameworks incorporate risk management principles, identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats to information security and data privacy.

Compliance Matters

ISMS and PIMS often require adherence to relevant data protection laws and industry standards, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for PIMS and ISO 27001 for ISMS.

Documentation is Essential

Both frameworks emphasize establishing clear policies, procedures, and guidelines for information security and data privacy.

Continuous Improvement

ISMS and PIMS promote a continuous improvement cycle, requiring organizations to regularly review and update their practices in response to evolving threats and regulations.

Recognizing the Differences:



Focuses on information security, encompassing a broad range of measures to protect an organization's information assets – confidentiality, integrity, and availability.


Specifically targets data privacy and the protection of personal data. It addresses data subject rights, consent management, and data breach notification.

Regulatory Frameworks


While frameworks like ISO 27001 touch on data protection, their primary goal is a comprehensive information security approach. They may not address all GDPR requirements.


Frameworks like ISO 27701 (an extension of ISO 27001) are designed to help organizations comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act).



Covers a broader range of assets and risks, including personal data, intellectual property, financial data, and other sensitive information.


Focuses narrowly on personal data and related privacy concerns, placing a strong emphasis on data subject rights and consent.



Often involves a wider range of stakeholders, such as IT departments, security teams, and various business units.


Typically involves stakeholders from legal, compliance, and privacy teams, with a closer connection to data subjects.

Proxsis Digital

Your Data Protection Partner

Data protection is a complex but essential aspect of operating in today's digital world. Proxsis Digital can be your trusted partner in navigating the ever-changing data protection landscape. We offer a comprehensive suite of services to help you:

Develop and implement a robust ISMS or PIMS framework tailored to your specific needs.
Develop and implement a robust ISMS or PIMS framework tailored to your specific needs.
Develop and implement a robust ISMS or PIMS framework tailored to your specific needs.
Develop and implement a robust ISMS or PIMS framework tailored to your specific needs.
Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
Mitigate data security and privacy risks.
Mitigate data security and privacy risks.
Mitigate data security and privacy risks.
Mitigate data security and privacy risks.
Build trust with your stakeholders through strong data protection practices.
Build trust with your stakeholders through strong data protection practices.
Build trust with your stakeholders through strong data protection practices.
Build trust with your stakeholders through strong data protection practices.

Contact Proxsis Digital today and unlock the power of effective data protection!

Contact Proxsis Digital today and unlock the power of effective data protection!

Enterprise Architecture

Demystifying Enterprise Architecture:

Empowering Your Organization for Success

In today's dynamic business environment, technology plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals. However, navigating the complexities of IT infrastructure and strategy can be a daunting task. Enterprise Architecture (EA) knowledge empowers organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their technology landscape for sustainable success.

What is Enterprise Architecture Knowledge?

Enterprise Architecture (EA) knowledge is a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and frameworks that guide the design, development, and management of an organization's IT infrastructure in alignment with its overall business strategy. This knowledge base is honed by experts who can help organizations:


Craft a future-proof IT blueprint that aligns with your evolving business needs.


Implement and integrate technology solutions that support your strategic objectives.


Optimize and maintain your IT infrastructure for long-term efficiency and scalability.

Who Benefits from EA Knowledge?

Organizations of all sizes across various industries can leverage the power of EA knowledge. Here are some key examples:

Large Enterprises

Manage complex IT environments with greater efficiency and alignment.

Government Agencies

Modernize infrastructure and services to deliver superior citizen experiences.

Financial Institutions

Enhance security, compliance, and agility in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Healthcare Providers

Optimize IT systems to deliver high-quality patient care and improve operational efficiency.

Manufacturing Companies

Streamline processes, boost productivity, and gain a competitive edge.

Why is EA Knowledge Essential?

By leveraging EA knowledge, organizations can unlock a multitude of benefits:

Informed IT Investment
Informed IT Investment
Reduced Risk
Reduced Risk
Strategic Alignment
Strategic Alignment
Improved Efficiency
Improved Efficiency
Increased Scalability
Increased Scalability

Digital Product

Proxsis Digital

Your Trusted Partner in Enterprise Architecture Knowledge

Proxsis Digital offers a comprehensive suite of resources and services designed to empower your organization with the knowledge needed to harness the full potential of Enterprise Architecture. We can help you:

Develop a deep understanding of EA principles and frameworks.
Develop a deep understanding of EA principles and frameworks.
Develop a deep understanding of EA principles and frameworks.
Develop a deep understanding of EA principles and frameworks.
Conduct a thorough assessment of current IT landscape.
Conduct a thorough assessment of current IT landscape.
Conduct a thorough assessment of current IT landscape.
Conduct a thorough assessment of current IT landscape.
Craft a future-state vision for your IT infrastructure.
Craft a future-state vision for your IT infrastructure.
Craft a future-state vision for your IT infrastructure.
Craft a future-state vision for your IT infrastructure.
Develop a comprehensive roadmap for IT transformation.
Develop a comprehensive roadmap for IT transformation.
Develop a comprehensive roadmap for IT transformation.
Develop a comprehensive roadmap for IT transformation.
Implement and manage your EA strategy effectively.
Implement and manage your EA strategy effectively.
Implement and manage your EA strategy effectively.
Implement and manage your EA strategy effectively.

Embrace the power of EA knowledge and unlock the transformative potential of technology for your organization. Contact Proxsis Digital today!

Embrace the power of EA knowledge and unlock the transformative potential of technology for your organization. Contact Proxsis Digital today!


Building Business Resilience

The Power of BCMS Knowledge

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, disruptions are inevitable.
From natural disasters and cyberattacks to power outages and pandemics, organizations need to be prepared to weather any storm. Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) knowledge empowers organizations to develop a structured approach to ensuring business continuity, minimizing downtime, and safeguarding their reputation.

What is BCMS Knowledge?

BCMS knowledge encompasses the principles, practices, and frameworks that guide the development and implementation of a comprehensive business continuity plan. This specialized knowledge equips organizations to:


A robust BCMS framework tailored to their specific needs and risks.


The BCMS effectively, ensuring ongoing preparedness and responsiveness.


Business continuity plans for maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

Why is BCMS Knowledge Essential?

By leveraging BCMS knowledge, organizations can unlock a multitude of benefits:

Reduced Downtime
Reduced Downtime
Lower Risk
Lower Risk
Increased Business Resilience
Increased Business Resilience
Legal and Compliance Protection
Legal and Compliance Protection
Reputation Protection
Reputation Protection

Who Needs BCMS Knowledge?

Organizations of all sizes across various industries can benefit from BCMS knowledge. However, some sectors face particularly high risks and can reap significant advantages:

Large Corporations

Protect complex operations and ensure continued service delivery.

Financial Institutions

Maintain financial stability and compliance during disruptions.

Healthcare Facilities

Safeguard patient care and ensure the continuity of critical services.

Government Agencies

Deliver essential services to citizens without interruption.

Manufacturing Companies

Streamline processes, boost productivity, and gain a competitive edge.

How Does BCMS Knowledge Help Organizations Prepare?

By cultivating BCMS knowledge, organizations can establish a comprehensive business continuity plan that encompasses the following key phases:

Initial Assessment
Initial Assessment
Requirement Identification
Requirement Identification
Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
Development and Implementation
Development and Implementation
Testing, Training, and Maintenance
Testing, Training, and Maintenance

Proxsis Digital

Your Partner in BCMS Knowledge

Proxsis Digital offers a comprehensive suite of resources and services designed to empower your organization with the knowledge you need to establish a robust BCMS. We can help you:

Develop a deep understanding of BCMS principles and frameworks.
Develop a deep understanding of BCMS principles and frameworks.
Develop a deep understanding of BCMS principles and frameworks.
Develop a deep understanding of BCMS principles and frameworks.
Conduct a thorough assessment of your current business continuity posture.
Conduct a thorough assessment of your current business continuity posture.
Conduct a thorough assessment of your current business continuity posture.
Conduct a thorough assessment of your current business continuity posture.
Craft a customized business continuity plan aligned with your specific needs.
Craft a customized business continuity plan aligned with your specific needs.
Craft a customized business continuity plan aligned with your specific needs.
Craft a customized business continuity plan aligned with your specific needs.
Develop and implement a comprehensive BCMS program.
Develop and implement a comprehensive BCMS program.
Develop and implement a comprehensive BCMS program.
Develop and implement a comprehensive BCMS program.
Train your employees on BCMS procedures and best practices.
Train your employees on BCMS procedures and best practices.
Train your employees on BCMS procedures and best practices.
Train your employees on BCMS procedures and best practices.

Embrace the power of BCMS knowledge and safeguard your organization from disruptions. Contact Proxsis Digital today!